HOA Board meetings are held on the 4th or last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Clubhouse.
Check the weekly KPF Newsletter or Facebook for information and confirmation of meeting day/time.
November meeting is the 4th Thursday
No December meeting.
Board of Directors
President: Barbara Davis
Vice President: Erin Lawrence
Secretary: Dominick Parris
Treasurer: Pamela Manuel
Member at Large: Mike Austin
Member at Large: Steven DePorter
Member at Large: Justin Stewart-Fritz
Reviews the ARC applications that are submitted, and provides change modifications to the ARC guidelines. The committee has been working on changes to the ARC Guidelines. The Application Submission deadline is the Tuesday before the ARC Meeting.
You can email the ARC committee your comments and questions at [email protected]
(Following items are to accompany Applications)
7) Play equipment must have a picture, showing the color and style, of the equipment submitted along with the application.
Creates and reviews the budget presented by management and then presents it to the board for review and aproval. Then, the committee reviews the monthly expenses of the community to ensure items are under budget.
Volunteers wanted! Want to have a say in the way the HOA makes use of your fees? Join the Finance Committee and be part of the HOA Budget drafting process! email [email protected] for more.
The Open Space committee works with the allocated budget to enhance the common area landscaping of the community. The Open Space Committee helped plant more trees and plants around the community. This helps our common areas, landscaping, ponds, trails and playgrounds feel more inviting. [more]
The OSC is always looking for new members. Please contact the OSC if interested.
Email: [email protected]
The Social Committee host many different events for the KPF Community:
- Community Pool Party
- Movie Nights
- Fall Festival
- Holiday Parade
- Concerts
- Spring Fling
- Contests
- Social with Santa, Mrs. Claus and Elf
The Social Committee adds additional social events during the year so check the weekly Newsletter for more information.
Volunteers Wanted! Please contact [email protected] for more information.
They help organize the spring and fall community Yard Sale. Spring yard sale usually takes place in April/May. The Fall yard sale usually takes place in Sept/Oct. Coordinate with residents who wish to participate.
This is a great time to clear out unused items in your household. and also mingle with your neighbors.
Volunteers wanted! Email: [email protected]
The Facilities Committee works to make improvements to our neighborhood amenities and recommendations to the clubhouse and pool areas. Future upgrades include:
- Redesign to the Fitness Room, including updated strength and cardio equipment
- TV/Screen for events in the Clubhouse
- New Furniture
- New/Upgrade Kitchen area
- Other Clubhouse improvements
Any suggestions for these areas please email them to [email protected]
The Technology Committee helped re-designed the Kirkpatrick Farms website. The Committee assists Management in handling the administrative side of the website. Provided input in the new Security system for the Clubhouse and researches new technologies for the Clubhouse.
Volunteers wanted! Please contact [email protected] for more information.