The OSC is always looking for new members. Please contact Management if interested.
Contact Information
Any Resident Concerns, Suggestions or Questions regarding the community’s Open Spaces can be directed to Management.
Community Updates
Please make sure you watch for signs that chemicals have been distributed in the open space areas. For their own safety, dogs and children should be kept off the areas for a 24 hour period after the application of weed control chemicals.
The OSC continues to ask homeowners for input and support for any potential community project. In addition, the OSC is responsible for reviewing any proposed enhancement to determine the total cost, as well as the impact of the future costs of the improvements and enhancements to homeowners, prior to making any recommendations to the HOA Board.
The OSC would like to remind homeowners that a VDOT easement exists from the curb to approximately ten feet back on most homeowners’ property. An easy way to identify the easement is to look at the concrete portion of your driveway (the apron) and use that as a guide across your property. This is an important easement, as VDOT will not allow any vegetation that is over two feet high, rocks/pavers or other hardscape on the easement. VDOT views plants taller than two feet high in this easement as a sight hazard – that is drivers backing out of a driveway cannot see the road or children through vegetation over two feet high. For any roads yet to be turned over to VDOT, VDOT will require that the homeowners comply with these easement regulations.
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