Yard waste will be collected on Wednesday’s, starting Wednesday, March 5th
What is Considered Yard Waste?
Accepted Items: Materials generated during general yard maintenance – Grass clippings, leaves, straw, flowers, small prunings, and brush (branches and twigs smaller than 4 feet long and 6 inches in diameter).
Not Accepted: Tree stumps, lumber, treated wood, pallets, sawdust, dirt/soil, mulch, sod, food waste, bamboo, or other invasive vegetation.
Proper Disposal & Preparation:
- Use paper lawn bags or your own clearly labeled reusable container marked “Yard Waste.” Plastic bags will not be collected. Please view the attached pictures for acceptable examples of bags, containers, and bundles.
- Sticks and branches must be bundled in 4-foot (4’) lengths and weigh under 50 lbs. per bundle. Please use natural twine (like Sisal) to tie bundles.
- No yard waste from tree removal, land clearing, or home renovation projects will be accepted.
Bulk/Special Pickups Reminder:
Do you have an item that won’t fit in your container? A special pickup must be requested in advance for large or bulk items, such as mattresses, appliances, and similar items. Special pickups can be scheduled directly with Gettier at 703.904.9752, as residents are responsible for the $95 fee.
Collection Schedule:
This does not apply to the Condominiums within Kirkpatrick Farms.
Monday: Trash ONLY
Thursday: Trash & Recycling