Gettier Trash & Recycling News

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Please note these changes do not impact the condominiums within Kirkpatrick Farms.

Collection Schedule:
Trash and recycling collection days are as follows, please note the change to the recycling schedule. Kindly report any missed pickups directly to the office so we can ensure a prompt resolution. Thank you for your continued patience during this transition.

Monday: Trash ONLY
Thursday: Trash & Recycling

Recycling Reminder:
Please help us promote proper recycling practices by avoiding the use of trash bags for recyclables, simply place your recyclables directly into the bin.

Bulk/Special Pickups Reminder: 
Do you have an item that won’t fit in your container?  A special pickup must be requested in advance for large or bulk items, such as mattresses, appliances, and similar items. Special pickups can be scheduled directly with Gettier at 703.904.9752, as residents are responsible for any associated fees.

Yard Waste:
Yard waste is collected from March – December on Wednesdays. 
Yard debris and clippings must be placed in bio-degradable bags or in a personal trash container clearly marked ‘yard waste’ on both sides. Tree limbs and brush must be tied in bundles no longer than 4 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter. Bundles cannot exceed 35pounds.

If you have any questions regarding this transition, please don’t hesitate to contact the office at 703-722-2299.